Integrity Insights: Providing sector-leading Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning services in Pakistan

Integrity Insights Story:


Working with a wide range of clients globally has enabled us to hone our approaches to suit ever-changing contexts, including in Pakistan.

Integrity has long worked with partners providing a rich service
offer covering Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL),
Research, Evidence and Analysis, Project Management and Data
and Knowledge Management.  In  the third story in our impact series, Integrity Senior Manager Ahmed Jawad shares five key insights that inform our continuing provision of innovative and sector leading services, drawing on examples from our work in Pakistan.


Get in touch to discuss how Integrity can support your programmes. Email us:[email protected]

Integrity Insights #1: Organisational learning at scale: reflections from the Prosperity Fund

Integrity Insights #2: The role of social protection in responding to environmental crises

Integrity Insights #3: Providing sector-leading MEL services in Pakistan

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