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Current Openings

We deliver our services across a range of thematics and contexts key to the generation of stability, accountability and prosperity. If you are enthusiastic about working with us, please apply for any of the job or consultancy opportunities listed below.

Manager, Projects

Closing Date
9 Aug 2024

Full-time Conditional staff position based in the UK. The Manager, Projects will play a major role in the delivery of contracted projects, requiring technical and project management skills, as well as the ability to liaise effectively with senior stakeholders and team members who are often working in complex and fragile environments....

Monitoring Advisor USAID/BHA Somalia Monitoring Learning Project-2 (SMLP-2)

Closing Date
31 Jul 2024

Integrity is seeking a Monitoring Advisor who will liaise with both the Monitoring Team and Learning Team to produce relevant high-quality information, regularly convening meetings involving DCPs, RPs and other stakeholders, and conducting site visits to assess progress towards mutually agreed milestones and targets. This is a Long-Term Technical Assistance (LTTA) position based in Nairobi, Kenya, with travel to Somalia for up to 50% of the time....

MEL Expert, Technical Proposal Writer – HRO-240

Rolling Recruitment

Integrity is seeking freelance MEL Experts who are interested in being part of a pool of Technical Proposal writers. Candidates would enter into a long-term framework agreement with Integrity....

Please see our Privacy Policy to find out more about how your information is collected through our recruitment process. To stay up to date with future Career Opportunities at Integrity, follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Other Skills And Experience To Offer?

If you are interested in working with us as a member of staff, intern or consultant and none of our current openings are right for you, please contact us at [email protected] or apply with a speculative application by heading to the apply page.

Please be advised that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
Speculative applications are reviewed on a monthly basis.