Integrity is proud to endorse the 2016 Artraker Awards

Integrity is proud to endorse the 2016 Artraker Awards

bakary diallo

Bakary Diallo, TOMO (Abandoned territory), 2013, Video

Integrity is a proud founding partner of Artraker, a registered charity that supports exceptional visual arts projects that shape how people and organisations understand, engage and respond to violent conflict.

About the Artraker 2016 Awards

Artraker is now in the process of reviewing entries for the 2016 Awards. “The Artraker Awards provide visibility and financial support to artists working on art and conflict. It recognizes new ways to raise awareness, communicate, stimulate debate and transform our understanding of war, violent conflict and social upheaval.

An international panel of experts from both the art and peace-making/peace-building disciplines assesses submissions for the Artraker Awards. They look for experimentation and engagement, audacity, change and capacity to inspire. The final prizes are granted to inspirational, creative projects and imaginative initiatives.” (

The Artraker Awards for 2016 include the following categories:

  • The Artraker Award for Challenging the Narrative, awarded to art that “challenges dominant narratives on violence and peace, and/or enables a different and deeper understanding […] on issues pertaining to violence, conflict, upheaval, change, and peace.
  • The Artaker Award for Healing the Void,awarded to art “that promotes inclusion, reveals how space excludes and marginalises, and poses questions about how our societies are constructed and managed to either heal and create community, or divide, wound, and alienate.”
  • The Imagine Peace! Artraker Award, awarded to art “that helps leaders at different levels imagine new pathways to peace and alternatives to violence. It is for art that stimulates creativity in leadership, helps foster or encourage visionary leadership, and contributes insight into imagining new ways of radically altering the dynamics that lead to violence.” (Source)

Find out more about the Artraker 2016 Awards by visiting their website here.

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