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Research in Support of FCDO’s Security Sector Development and Defence Transformation Programme Phase Two

Research in Support of FCDO’s Security Sector Development and Defence Transformation Programme Phase Two

Research in Support of FCDO’s Security Sector Development and Defence Transformation Programme Phase Two



Project Outputs

Integrity provided M&E advisors to the FCDO-funded South Sudan Defence, Development and Transformation Programme (SSDDTP). The purpose of the programme was to transform the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) into an affordable, professional, disciplined army operating under and accountable to democratic civil control, and to support the development of broader civilian decision-making architecture. The program had three components: national security architecture, defence transformation, and democratic oversight and accountability.

Integrity delivered research, analysis and technical support to the accountability component, which sought to make security organs more accountable through democratic, civilian control. The research worked with civil society organisations and assessed how security was improving at a community level and how changes were perceived, in particular if they were attributable to the SSDDTP work.


South Sudan,  Research, Evidence, and Analysis, 

South Sudan

Stability, Accountability, Prosperity

Integrity sets the international standard for ethically delivered, expert services in conflict, post-conflict and fragile contexts. Through our work, we transform conflict and build stability, accountability and prosperity.

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