Integrity’s CEO Anthony Ellis attends GIIN conference on impact investing
Integrity’s CEO Anthony Ellis attends the GIIN conference on impact investing
This week Integrity’s CEO Anthony Ellis is attending the Global Impact Investing Network Investor Forum 2016 in Amsterdam. He is attending in his capacity as Non-Executive Director of Expectation State.
Integrity and Expectation State are partnering to bring development expertise to the social impact investment sector and ensure that the design and development of investments are able to achieve tangible results, aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
We bring a focus on fragile and post-conflict states across Africa, Asia and the Middle East; some of the hardest contexts in which to secure investment but some of the most key. By 2030, 50% of the world’s population is likely to live in contexts affected by violent conflict and fragility.
Working to support the engagement between host governments and private sector donors and investors is critical to increase the private sector’s engagement and alignment with suffering nation states. Our objective is to limit the effect and likelihood of conflict and instability while facilitating a platform for economic growth and long term stability.
With over 80 speakers and 600 delegates from more than 30 countries across the world attending, the GIIN Investor Forum on 7-8 December is the landmark event for anyone involved in impact investment or interested to engage with the industry (source).
Find out more about the Global Impact Investing Network here. You can also follow the conversations surrounding the event by following the GIIN on twitter and exploring the #GIF2016 hashtag.

Integrity CEO Anthony Ellis at the GIIN Forum in Amsterdam, 7-8 December 2016

Integrity CEO Anthony Ellis at the GIIN Forum in Amsterdam, 7-8 December 2016

Integrity CEO Anthony Ellis at the GIIN Forum in Amsterdam, 7-8 December 2016