Evaluating Economic Opportunity In South Sudan

Evaluating Economic Opportunity In South Sudan

PDE Manager Salmon recently conducted an evaluation of CHF Intern’s programme IMPROVE – Increasing Market Potential for Returnees through Opportunities for Economic Development.

The IMPROVE programme, funded by USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, was set up to enable the sustainable reintegration of returnees into host environments in areas around Morobo, Juba and Torit Counties and aimed to provide increased food security, income earning opportunities and improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH).

Food security projects included training participants in proper agronomical practices and providing seeds and tools.

Income earning projects included the establishment of Asset Building Groups trained in business skills and an initial investment in asset based goods. Vocational Training of young men and women was provided in electrical and plumbing engineering in Torit County.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene projects included training in sanitation practices, water treatment techniques and the provision of hygiene kits.

The evaluation found the agriculture projects and Asset Building Groups had produced real improvements in food security and income earning potential. Interventions were most sustainable where training was combined with an opportunity to put new skills to use, rather than stand-alone training. Training in WASH was found to be effective and participants noted improved health, particularly among young children.

The majority of participants, over half of which were women, found group work – as opposed to individual work – gave greater opportunity to balance domestic responsibilities with work, led to more sustained outcomes and helped produce an increased sense of unity among members.

CHF International continue to support Production Plot groups and Asset Building Groups in their new programme IMPROVE +.

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Agnes and Mary who founded Pipita Tijara (Growing Trade), a Bakery in Bungu

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CHF team members with an Asset Building Group in Khor Wulliang, Juba

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