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USAID Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Services IDIQ Contract (EVAL ME II)

USAID Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Services IDIQ Contract (EVAL ME II)

USAID Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Services IDIQ Contract (EVAL ME II)


2020 – 2025

Project Outputs

Integrity is a prime contract holder under the USAID’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Services Indefinite Delivery Quantity Contract (EVAL ME II IDIQ). The EVAL ME II IDIQ provides monitoring, evaluation and learning services to promote evidence-based decision making for adaptive management across USAID.

The IDIQ has a ceiling value of $455m. USAID use the IDIQ to procure MEL services worldwide at the Mission, Bureau, and Agency-wide level. It covers a breadth of development fields, including, economic growth; agriculture and trade; population, health and nutrition; environment and natural resources; education and training; global health; democracy, human rights and governance; conflict mitigation and post conflict reconstruction; human capacity development; humanitarian assistance and cross-cutting programs (conflict management, urban programs, water, youth, gender and development).

Integrity work with its downstream and resource partners globally to respond to and deliver MEL technical advisory services. The services include impact and performance evaluations, performance and third-party monitoring, capacity building, knowledge management, and collaborating, learning and adapting activities.

Listen, Comprehend, Recommend

Integrity upholds the highest ethical standards in our work, our employment of staff and our interaction with people. Through adherence to our core values, we ensure the best possible service, and benefit the communities amongst whom we work.

Email us at [email protected] to discuss how we can support your programmes....

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