Informal and Tribal Justice Structures in Iraq

Country / date: Iraq, 2018 – 2019

Partner: FCDO Baghdad and Conflict, Security and Stability Fund (CSSF)

In 2018, Integrity provided an evidence base and analysis of tribal justice in Iraq to inform CSSF Iraq’s support to the Iraqi Justice System and post Daesh community reconciliation. By mobilising a team of field researchers to work in newly liberated areas, we were able to map and analyse key tribal justice stakeholders and provide social network analysis to address CSSF’s knowledge gaps on informal justice mechanisms. The research identified, how tribal justice works; where it interacts with formal justice and how it impacts formal justice. We paid particular attention to the experiences of women and vulnerable groups, such as IDPs accessing tribal justice.

The study was the most wide ranging and comprehensive study into the important phenomenon of tribal justice conducted in recent years.

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