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USAID/Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization Peacebuilding Evaluation, Analysis, Research, and Learning (PEARL)

USAID/Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization Peacebuilding Evaluation, Analysis, Research, and Learning (PEARL)

USAID/Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization Peacebuilding Evaluation, Analysis, Research, and Learning (PEARL)


2022 – 2026

Project Outputs

Integrity is excited to provide Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) and rapid research services to USAID’s Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention (CVP), through the Peacebuilding Evaluation, Analysis, Research, and Learning (PEARL) task order contract. With support from our partners, Social Impact and Nickol Global Solutions (NGS), our consortium brings a wealth of expertise in fragility and violent conflict; mixed-methods data collection and analysis; and knowledge management and learning.

We work with USAID/CVP to design innovative analytical services and learning opportunities for the agency’s dynamic global peacebuilding and conflict prevention portfolio. This includes scalable violence and conflict assessments, technical assessments in key issue areas such as atrocity prevention, performance and impact evaluations, learning exchanges, context monitoring, and scenario planning support. We are leveraging our data science and GIS capabilities to augment our work with prediction and forecasting, natural language processing and text analysis, including social media and sentiment analysis, data engineering, analysis and visualization, remote sensing and satellite imagery analysis, and remote perception surveys and data collection.

Through PEARL, Integrity supports USAID’s ability to identify the systems that facilitate or diminish armed conflict and violence, provides USAID with actionable recommendations for providing assistance that effectively prevents, manages, or mitigates violent conflict, and contributes to the evidence base for effective peacebuilding and violence prevention development interventions.


United States of America,  Research, Evidence, and Analysis,  Technical Assistance, 

Sustainability, Accountability, Prosperity

At Integrity much of our work contributes to the transformation of conflict, recovery from natural or man-made disaster, economic regeneration and the effectiveness and accountability of aid and assistance.

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