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Third party monitoring of the Access to Justice and Community Security (AJACS) programme

Third party monitoring of the Access to Justice and Community Security (AJACS) programme

Third party monitoring of the Access to Justice and Community Security (AJACS) programme


2014 – 2019

Project Outputs

We support a multi-governmental secretariat, including the governments of the US, UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and Canada, to manage the AJACS programme in Syria, an unarmed community police force that works to protect local communities and prevent terrorist control of justice and security systems in opposition-held areas.

We do this by independently verifying programme outputs and activities through our own independent team of monitoring and evaluation officers from our offices in Turkey and Jordan. Our team in Syria visits AJACS sites to verify and validate programme activities and progress while our team in Turkey and Jordan analyse and represent our findings to be useful to our clients. Our approach is underpinned by our independence and our empathetic approach to managing relationships with AJACS implementing partners and our governmental interlocutors.

This programme demonstrates our ability to provide sensitive analysis and advise to a complex set of stakeholders, from governmental representatives in the Middle East, Europe and the United States to local powerbrokers and beneficiaries in Syrian communities.

This project demonstrates our ability to safely and efficiently deploy expert teams in fragile contexts while delivering sophisticated, contextualised reporting.


Syria,  Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, 

Sustainability, Accountability, Prosperity

At Integrity much of our work contributes to the transformation of conflict, recovery from natural or man-made disaster, economic regeneration and the effectiveness and accountability of aid and assistance.

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