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Supporting the UK’s Response to the Syria Crisis

Supporting the UK’s Response to the Syria Crisis

Supporting the UK’s Response to the Syria Crisis


2012 – 2014

Name of Client

Project Objectives

Provide stakeholder mapping and in-depth research into Syrian civil society and emerging governance structures, as well as vetting of key actors in the Syria conflict.

Project Outputs

Integrity has been one of DFID’s main providers of research, mapping and evaluation services since the beginning of the crisis. Integrity have provided over twenty-three research reports to DFID and the Syria Conflict Pool, including: a multi-provincial examination of emerging local governance structures; a feasibility study of humanitarian ceasefires; an evaluation of service delivery by women’s NGOs; community perceptions of the Geneva 2 peace-talks and evaluations of UK Government security and justice provision in Aleppo and Idlib provinces. Our research has been used to better target UKCP’s resources and improve on the ground results through informed engagement strategies. Integrity has now produced five external reports aimed at the Syrian audience as part of an ongoing relationship with the local community. Integrity will also produce three toolkits, focusing on policing, governance and project management.


Syria,  Research, Evidence, and Analysis,  Stakeholder Engagement, 

Listen, Comprehend, Recommend

Integrity upholds the highest ethical standards in our work, our employment of staff and our interaction with people. Through adherence to our core values, we ensure the best possible service, and benefit the communities amongst whom we work.

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