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Analysis of the School Ranking Policy (part of Big Results Now in Education (BRNEd) in Tanzania

Analysis of the School Ranking Policy (part of Big Results Now in Education (BRNEd) in Tanzania

Analysis of the School Ranking Policy (part of Big Results Now in Education (BRNEd) in Tanzania


2016 – Ongoing

Name of Client

Project Objectives

To improve education quality in Tanzanian primary and secondary schools. The World Bank, FCDO and Sweden have supported the design of a “Payment for Results (P4R)” approach to incentivize both national and local stakeholders to improve learning outcomes and influence a range of systemic constraints affecting the public education sector.

Project Outputs

Integrity is working with a partner to undertake some research and develop policy recommendations related to the FCDO-funded national School Ranking Policy (SRP). The SRP is considered to be one of the P4R initiatives that is most likely to impact upon improved learning outcomes in the short term, although there remain concerns about perverse incentives. Our qualitative research is designed to assess knowledge, attitudes and effects of the SRP.

This project is still ongoing. The intended outcome of Integrity’s analysis is to support the refinement of the SRP as a tool to support better quality education in Tanzania.


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